A Guide to Intuitive Tarot Reading

When I first tackled the behemoth that is tarot study, I armed myself with a deck, a beginner’s collection of tarot books, and a few blank journals to jot some notes in. Honestly, I didn’t think it was going to be that hard. I mean, I’d gotten down and dirty with Deleuze, Foucault, and Heidegger–what kind of challenge could divination cards give me?

Turns out, quite a challenge. When you’re working with text, it’s literally spelled out for you, even if it is a bit abstract or archaic. There’s usually some sort of objective meaning to be gleaned, a central point that’s attempting to be made and that drives the essay forward. Not so with tarot, my friends. The visual and symbolic components invite much more subjectivity than one initially realizes, and the point, more or less, is revealed much more cyclically. Essentially, your subject matter is the same (universal archetypes), but the way it’s addressed and to what end is radically different. Therefore, commonly accepted study methods–repetition, memorization, and critical thinking–are not enough in terms of becoming a well-rounded, proficient reader. One must dip into more primal, esoteric energies–intuition, premonition, and spontaneous knowing.

This is where the concept of intuitive tarot reading enters, that method which utilizes the imagery and symbolism readily apparent to the reader rather than commonly accepted card meanings. In my humble opinion, the most powerful readings incorporate both, resulting in a gorgeous balance of masculine and feminine energies. But, as the reader who inspired this post so accurately pointed out, there’s much more attention given to the former, and not nearly enough to the latter. So, let’s change that a little bit, shall we?

Methods of Reading Intuitively

From what I can glean, the extent to which readers read intuitively varies, as do their methods. Some readers never read a traditional tarot book and choose only to reference the guides that are specifically created for their decks. Thus, they aren’t necessarily approaching their readings with one of the three traditional systems (RWS, Thoth, Marseille) in mind. Rather, their knowledge is based off of the specific imagery conveyed in their deck and the meanings the deck creator chose to attribute to it. So, one who bases their reading of the Osho Zen Tarot on the guidebook and one who bases their reading of The Osho Zen Tarot on its RWS correspondences are going to provide two completely different readings. Likewise, one who approaches the Osho Zen as an oracle deck (it’s been known to happen and I’ve certainly done it from time to time) is going to pull something completely different from it–oracle cards are often read as entities in and of themselves and not necessarily a subsidiary part of a larger whole.


The Osho Zen Tarot, St. Martin’s Press, 1994

Another method of reading intuitively is to reference no system or guidebook at all. Rather, one riffs off of the images presented in the cards, interpreting what the cards mean as the reading progresses. In this sense, the reading is largely querent-focused and as such (in my opinion, anyway) is much more overtly directed towards what’s being asked. These types of intuitive readings seem to work best when done in person because they create a sense of equality amongst reader and querent that invites the querent to take an active role in the reading process. In some cases, the querent is given the opportunity to deliver input on which cards moved them or spoke to them, and so there’s much more of a psychological exploration going on than there would be if the reader were interpreting the cards based on her knowledge of esoteric modes and systems of thought. Actually, this is most often the method of reading used amongst therapists and psychologists–cards are flipped face up and the client is asked to rifle through and riff on those that jump out at them. In this process, the reader/therapist takes a bit of a backseat, gently guiding their client on a trip through the subconscious.


The Rider-Waite Centennial Edition, US Games Inc., 2010, The Wild Unknown Tarot, HarperElixir, 2016

 The last method of intuitive reading that I’ll offer here is the one I use most often: applying one of the three traditional systems when reading with a deck that isn’t wholly based on it. A good example of this is my approach to The Wild Unknown Tarot. From what I understand, the deck’s influenced by both the Marseille and RWS traditions, but given that I’m fluent in RWS, I simply approach it that way. Now, there were times when I first began working with the deck that I noticed that my understanding of a card simply didn’t add up with the imagery (the six of wands is a really good example of this). In this instance, I studied the imagery on the card and deciphered meaning based on that. Then, I reconciled my intuitive understanding with my traditional understanding to arrive at a holistic understanding of the card.

The Spontaneous Intuitive Read

Contrary to what the first section may suggest, intuitive reading isn’t solely based on the approach the reader takes with their deck of cards. Rather, intuitive interpretation can crop up in the middle of any reading for any reason whatsoever. In this case, the card in question speaks to the reader in a way that’s hardly related to the traditional meaning at all–she gets a feeling that it’s supposed to mean something radically different, and she chooses to trust that message over the one that the card would commonly convey. A few days ago, for example, a reading I was doing for a client had revealed a five of swords. However, I had an overwhelming feeling to read it like I would the five of wands. I didn’t really know why I had this feeling (nothing in the question indicated that this interpretation would be somehow “better” than the traditional one), yet I viewed it as a synchronistic occurrence and followed my intuition. There are readers for whom this admission would make them cry “blasphemy!” There are others still who’d question whether or not there was a distinct difference between them anyway. This is why the community of tarot is so amazing–every reader approaches the art in a way that’s unique and resonant with their own strengths and personality traits. No two readers read alike, so chances are, there’s a reader out there whose approach deeply jives with what you’re looking for. And this diversity can be attributable to the intuitive aspects of reading–those that deviate from the common meaning to add depth and richness to the form. Frankly, the vast array of tarot decks available to us as students and readers also do much in terms of coaxing these intuitive readings from us. If we were all using the RWS all the time, chances are there’d be much more similarities than we currently find.

Practicing Intuitive Reading

It may seem contradictory that one could practice intuitive reading. After all, isn’t it something that blossoms organically? For some, reading intuitively does come naturally–creative and spontaneous meaning generation is one of their strengths, and they can seamlessly connect the narrative of one card to the next. For others (the majority, I’ve found!), the ability to coax original, nuanced interpretations is a skill that must be practiced. There are a number of ways to go about doing this, but one that I’ve found most helpful is to create what I call tarot narratives. I think of a transformative or vivid experience that I’ve had and I choose a card from the tarot to represent it. Then, I record my experience through the lens of the card that I’ve chosen, paying keen attention to the myriad subtle ways it plays into the story. For me, this is more of an exercise for the subconscious–I’m attempting to create a web of connections that may not be readily apparent, but reveal themselves when something in a reading triggers them. Another way to practice intuitive reading is to pathwork the cards (I know I’ve mentioned pathworking copious times, but that’s only because of how instrumental it can be in expanding your understanding of tarot). When you project yourself into a card’s unique energy landscape, you can pick up on things you didn’t even know were there. Likewise, you can upload quite a bit to the hard-drive unconsciously to be accessed at a later date). When you’re reading for yourself, try identifying your question in the cards. Think of the answers you’re looking for and see if there’s any card that could speak directly to that answer. Say you’re trying to decide whether or not to switch careers. Which card indicates a potential career that you’re interested in? Which one represents the one you have currently? You can even use the two questions I just posed as the basis for card positions (1. My present career 2. My potential career) and figure out a way to relate the card to the position even if it seems to completely oppose it.


The Mary El Tarot, Schiffer Publishing, 2012

Another wonderful way is to buy a deck that’s based off of a system that you’re completely unfamiliar with and do readings for yourself based on the imagery alone. Don’t be afraid to speak stream of consciousness as you take in the imagery and symbolism and likewise offer an interpretation. And if you still find that your intuitive reading game is off, let a friend who knows nothing about tarot flip through one of your decks and riff on the cards. Take note of the creative process they undergo as they try to figure out what it all means. It’s inspiring, interesting, and it can teach you a hell of a lot about learning.

Much Love,



If you’re looking for more tarot resources like this one, enroll in the FREE Reading Tarot Intuitively E-course!

You’ll receive three audio lessons to support your intuitive reading skills as well as a link to download Tarot Spreads for the Brave + Curious, a collection of 20 tarot spreads for love, career, and self-discovery.


17 responses to “A Guide to Intuitive Tarot Reading”

  1. Wonderful thank you! Do you plan to produce a book? Your collections of blog postings would be great in book form! You convey your words in such an eloquent and clear way. Just an idea!

    Simon (Two Spirit) x

    Sent from my iPad


    1. Thank you so, so much. I do plan to produce a book, as you so eloquently put it, but a book’s a lot of work! I’m currently writing a free e-book, but it’s getting a little out of hand in terms of its scope–I have to reign it back in before I can finish it!

  2. Ah! Just the other day I read the Nine of Pentacles as the Empress for no apparent reason at all! I realised after about five minutes of talking about the card, and then I read the Nine of Pentacles too! LOL! It all seemed to make sense so it was all good, but I got quite a surprise when I realised I was reading the card as something totally different! LOVED this post! <3 x

    1. Thank you! I’ve totally done the same thing–read a card as a completely different card only to realize what I’d done later! I pay attention to those little cosmic slips because I truly feel as if they happen for a reason. And somehow, they do make sense! Ah, the universe is great <3

  3. This is a great post. I’m not a very stick to the rules sort of person when it comes to creating etc and this has been how I approached tarot. My first deck was the wild unknown, I was absolutely compelled to get it despite having had nothing to do with tarot before. This meant I had no idea about systems etc so I really could listen to the cards without too much preconception nd for me, I think I got a lot more out of it that way. I recently did the 78 Mirrors course with Susannah Conway and in it learnt about the rws deck and whilst I don’t get on with it, comparing the images to my other decks helps to build the messages and helps me see things in the images that I hadn’t noticed before or perceive them in a different way. Sorry, I’ve completely lost the point of what I was trying to say…

    1. I don’t think you lost the point at all! Part of me wishes that I’d purchased a deck like the Wild Unknown in tandem with the RWS when I began learning, because I think it may have helped me develop intuitively in a much more organic way. I sometimes find myself assigning meanings to cards based off of traditional knowledge even though the imagery suggests something different, and I’m trying to become conscious of the times I do this so I can be more flexible in terms of interpretation. Thank you for your input and for reading!

  4. Hi Jessi! This was so great to read. I’ve admired how you’ve read for me before, which has been more generous and supportive than the way I sometimes judge the cards to be for myself, and I wondered how you got such an interesting yet accurate to my life story out of cards I would have interpreted more ‘harshly’ for myself! I think I’ll practise some of the things you suggest here. Assigning a lens to a special moment appeals. I’ll give it a go!

    1. Hi Lara! Amazing to hear from you! Honestly, I read a lot more harshly for myself than I do for clients, and it’s something that I’m working on to change as part of my self-love practice. Good luck on “giving it a go”!

  5. […] No, I mean it. Look at the image and read what it conveys to you. Open yourself to a world where symbols speak through your consciousness in unique and valuable ways. Don’t limit yourself to meanings that don’t suit you or your querent. Walk on the wild side. And if you have no idea what I mean when I say “read intuitively” and you want to fall down that rabbit hole, check this out. […]

  6. As a newbie to the tarot community, I found this extremely helpful. Thanks!

  7. As a newbie in tarot reading and just learning how to effectively interpret the tarot cards the article is very useful and have best key points in reading tarot cards effectively. Thank you very much in sharing your experience and knowledge to help us out newbies to better understand the practice of tarot reading.

    1. You are so welcome! I’m glad that it could help you learn to read the cards!

  8. Thank you so much for this (and the youtube that was inspired by it)! My first deck was the Wild Unknown, and my second is the Motherpeace deck. I suspect I’m one of those people that does the intuitive part of readings quite naturally, and my challenge has been to fill out that other more “masculine” part of doing some book learning about the symbolism behind the cards. I’m just digging into that more in the past few weeks, and hearing your thought on the value of mixing the two is very validating and motivating for me. I also related really heavily to the idea of trying out a few decks to get many perspectives on each card.

    1. I’m so glad that you enjoyed it, Robyn! Good luck in your tarot studies, and you’re so lucky that you have the intuitive aspect down pat already! Much love <3

  9. I truly enjoyed this article. 😇 I just happened to come across this while googling for a different insights to the tarot world. Thank for confirming that I can trust how I read tarot intuitively. ❤️

    The Modern Day Tarot

  10. […] No, I mean it. Look at the image and read what it conveys to you. Open yourself to a world where symbols speak through your consciousness in unique and valuable ways. Don’t limit yourself to meanings that don’t suit you or your querent. Walk on the wild side. And if you have no idea what I mean when I say “read intuitively” and you want to fall down that rabbit hole, check this out. […]

  11. […] No, I mean it. Look at the image and read what it conveys to you. Open yourself to a world where symbols speak through your consciousness in unique and valuable ways. Don’t limit yourself to meanings that don’t suit you or your querent. Walk on the wild side. And if you have no idea what I mean when I say “read intuitively” and you want to fall down that rabbit hole, check this out. […]

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